The Power of Purpose

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose”- Robert Byrne

More recently, I have noticed that my patients have come to therapy with a mission. A mission to discover or rediscover their purpose, to help them find more meaning in their lives and ultimately to live a more fulfilling life. Purpose grows out of our values, our morals and our belief systems. Purpose is an active expression that we act out daily through our actions and behaviors. This doesn’t seem to only be with my patients as I have noticed that this is a trend driven by the millennial state of mind, a trend in which millennials are seeking therapy for this very reason, to find their purpose (or to find success within themselves). 

In my role, I have witnessed an incorrect focus when it comes to purpose. Somewhere along the lines, purpose has become mistaken or become synonymous with success. I have heard the belief (time and time again), that in order to be successful or appear successful you must know your purpose. I have observed the power of purpose become so great for this generation that it has become seemingly unattainable. I have also seen the pressure of finding/knowing your purpose become so significant that it has become mentally, emotionally and physically debilitating (i.e. onset and/or symptomology of anxiety and depression). 

Through my work, I have recognized the intertwine between purpose and 1) Self-esteem, 2) Self worth and 3) Identity.  I have seen that our identity has become so dependent on our purpose (or in this case success), that we are losing ourselves in the process.  We are losing touch with our values, our morals and our beliefs, in turn leading us farther and farther away from our truth. 

So what can we do about it? Well to start, turn inward. Focus on the relationship you have with yourself. Ask yourself, why do I feel the need to know my purpose at this moment in time?  What does it mean to me or for me if I do not know my purpose? Is my identity tied to my purpose or success? In exploring our thoughts and feelings about ourselves we will uncover our truth, and only with truth will we find our meaning and purpose. 

Now let’s go back to the quote at the beginning of the blog.  

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose”- Robert Byrne  

Is this true? Is this the purpose of life? I agree that feeling a sense of purpose is important. It creates a sense of drive, motivation and excitement; it creates a zest for living life. Unfortunately purpose holds a lot of power and purpose produces a lot of pressure.  It is up to each of us to make sure that finding and understanding our purpose does not consume us, after all there is so much more to life.  With that mindset, you may just stumble upon your purpose anyways!


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